Ei, cu tot tam-tamul cu lansarea micului ONG, a iesit ceva... O mica distractie aiurea pentru noi... Tot ce pot face e sa multumesc destinului, Domnului, Kharmei, cum vreti voi sa-i spuneti, pentru minunatii oameni pe care i-am cunoscut din ONG-urile din Baia Mare. Suntem ca o mica masinarie bine unsa :).
Si acum sa trecem la lucruri mai serioase.... Adica la faptul ca finaly ninge :)) Si ca ma bucur de asta... La faptul ca mi se apropie examenele si eu habar nu am cand o invat pentru ele, la faptul ca mie dor de o groaza de prieteni pe care nu i-am vazut de ani de zile... Dar ceea ce ma bucura e faptul ca ei nu m-au uitat.... Asa ca va multumesc, guys. Stiu ca unii dintre voi veti citi randurile astea, dupa ce o sa va stresez cu ele pe facebook, Yahoo, s.a.m.d..
And a little translate, for all you foreigns that read my blog:
My dears, I'm back to stress you with my probles, to complain about the Romanian birocracy. To brag about my organisation :D and to complain about certain people. But I also want to thank a lot of friends that stood next to me, while I planned this crazynes. And to make things short, to thank all the guys from the NGO's from Baia Mare that stand next to each other and suport each other. You rock guys.
And finaly I want to say that I miss all of you guys, my dear friends I haven't seen in ages, but who haven't forgot me. I know you are reading these lines after I stressed you out with them on facebook, Yahoo, etc. So thank you, and I hope we'll meet real soon.
Enough with these sugary, watery stuff, let's bring the fun. Some pictures :)) As usual :p
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